The Big Leap Project

We are growing! Every year IT Tender is serving more and more students and families and we NEED more space

See the full PDF's here:

An Outgrown Home

IT Tender is ready to take a big leap in acquiring a 3-story building in Soldier Hills, Muntinlupa – just down the street from our current operations. The building just so happens to be the former Children's Home (orphanage) building of our partner organization Extreme Response (ER).

While we were saddened when ER's orphanage closed down a few years ago, we know that the story does not end there. New homes were found for the children from the orphanage, and we are grateful for the opportunity to repurpose the building into a school for urban poor children and youth.

Our New Target Facilities

We want to purchase this building and convert it into a preschool and tutorial center with a music/fitness studio, a computer lap, a leadership training room, a sustainable garden, and an assembly hall for large gatherings. This will be a place where we can continue the good work we've been doing, but on a much larger scale. More relationships will be built, more students from poverty will be empowered, and our community will be strengthened.

“With a leap he stood upright and began to walk; and he entered the temple with them, walking leaping and praising God.”
– Acts 3:8

This new building will allow IT Tender to accommodate so many more children and youth at one time - effectively tripling the number of preschool students and allowing five times the number of tutorial students and sponsor children that the current drop-in center can accommodate. Our team of teachers, social workers, interns, and 60 volunteers are more than ready for this new chapter.

What is Required

Moving in requires a payment of $165,000 CAD ($120,000 USD), in addition to $140,000 CAD ($100,000 USD) in renovation expenses. After that, Extreme Response has graciously given us a few years to pay the rest of the payment for the property (with no interest).

Help us acquire and repurpose this building into a school that will educate and empower students for generations to come. You can make a one-time donation by following the links below.

CANADIAN DONATION (select "IT Tender - Philippines")